Thursday August 10, 2023
South Lake Tahoe, CA -> South Lake Tahoe, CA
0 mi, 0 ft elev gain
Thursday was a bittersweet day. We woke up to a *crisp* morning in South Lake Tahoe Campground. While every had a good night of rest, Audrey had a little surprise in the night because she got to see a bear rummaging through our food containers! Fortunately we had moved most of the food into the car but had unknowingly left the Audrey's learning festival supplies out (i.e. marshmallows and raw spaghetti). Maybe this was a sign - today was to be our last learning festival and the Lake Tahoe Boys and Girls Club.

We met David ( a 2014 MIT alum) and his super cool STEM room! It was a course 2's (MechEs) dream - tons of machines, 3D printers, and tools! While two of our team (Lucy and Vin) went off to teach their learning festivals, Kat, Andrew, and I helped David's students build their wooden boats. It was actually a bit jarring to see 4th and 5th graders wielding power tools! I remember being their age and had never held a nail gun before but here they were adeptly using it to but their boats together.
I quickly realized that these kids knew much more about this project than I did and let them lead the way. Soon enough, they were teaching me how to build a boat!
After a long day of work, Vin, Audrey and I went to Jalisco's for food and found the CHEAPEST burrito I've ever seen! $3.65 for a bean and cheese burrito, chips and salsa, AND Mexican lollipops. The meal filled me up but after peering into their fridge, I was craving a tres leches cake and Audrey bought one to share!
Our large meal left us needing to stretch our legs (to let the food settle and all) and we went for a short walk along the shoreline and happened upon a concert by the beach!
This was one of the most fun days on the trip! To see more pictures and learn more about our learning festival workshops, visit the @MITSPOKES instragram or the @MITStudents instagram where we are doing a takeover this week!
