Monday, June 10th, 2024
Roanoke, VA -> Draper, VA
60.9 mi, 3091 ft elevation
Today, I'll share about another smooth day, filled with growing aches and group laughter.Â
We started the day at 7:00 am (late by Spokes standards) and enjoyed a breakfast prepared by our hosts, Howard and Lynn. After packing the van (this task is the bane of my existence right now), we said our goodbyes and headed out of Roanoke.
After getting slightly derailed by a series of closed routes, we ended up on a calm road to Christiansburg where we stopped for lunch. Highlights of the lunch break included light sightseeing and Amulya's "Shawty Bae/Baby Girl ~ Daddy's Home/Mother" scale.
We then hopped back on our bikes and slowly made our way to Draper through back roads, roughly following the TransAmerica Bicycle Trail.Â

As I usually forget to charge my AirPods, I typically listen to music for a quarter of the ride and then spend the rest of the time lost in thoughts. I'm slowly but surely crafting my summer playlist though, which includes hits like:Â
Jimmy by Moriarty
The Pirate's Gospel by Alela Diane
Kouzen by Melissa Laveaux
Lost Horse by Asaf Avidan
Calypso Queen by Calypso Rose
When the music dies out, my thoughts usually wander to random subjects like the etymology of various words (do "to drape" and "diaper" share an origin?), the history of the towns we pass through, and the daily math problems mentioned in an earlier blog by Sophia.
We arrived at our Warmshowers hosts Curtis and Jenny's home late in the afternoon and were enchanted by their property. The winery was a true slice of paradise: Rebecca, Varsha, and I rolled down hills (Rebecca got a tick in the process); JD dozed on a hay bale; and a cowgirl galloped by. We finished the day by touring the grape vines and eating pizza outside.Â
A real highlight of Spokes has been how genuinely happy the team makes me feel. This particular meal embodied that feeling as we laughed together and shared stories. I think I joined Spokes sure that I'd love its physical aspect but what I've grown to enjoy the most is slowly getting to know the team and unveiling parts of each individual's personality.Â

That's all for today, see y'all in a week.
sooooo where is everyone on Amulya's scale????