Hello! Applications for MIT Spokes 2025 have officially opened! You can apply here: https://forms.gle/oLkVBUTdYJrNqsp29.
Spokes changed my life, and taught me so much about the world, others, and myself. Biking, teaching, and working in a team are hard, but the good kind of hard, where you can look back and see how you were being shaped as you worked through them. (Literally shaped, in the case of leg muscles.) If these seem like the kinds of challenges you want to tackle, we'd love to learn more about you through the application. No previous experience with long distance biking is needed. It's open until September 29.
Want to understand more about what Spokes is like? We're having an info session Monday 9/23 at 7:30pm ET at this link: https://mit.zoom.us/j/93949783378. Also, check out these blogs below, which showcase the beautiful, the terrible, and everything in between.
Spokes Greatest Hits
If you have any questions or concerns at all, please don't hesitate to email spokes-2024@mit.edu. And if you know anyone who you think would want to do Spokes, send the application their way! We are SO excited to grow this program with next year's team and continue to see the good it can do.
-Rebecca & Spokes 2024 :)
P.S. Now that Spokes has ended, five of us will be working abroad across 4 different continents, and three of us are back at MIT! All eight of us are so thankful for your support during our adventure.
