Hello world! I’m Rebecca, one of the new members of Spokes! I’m a current senior (ahhh), and along with seven other MIT students, I’m planning to undertake the 10th transcontinental bike ride and educational efforts of MIT Spokes. A goal of Spokes is to introduce science and design in exciting ways to students who may not have access to such opportunities. To read more about who’s in our team this year, you can read our intros on this page.

Currently, our team is up to our ears in logistics — we’re route planning, fundraising, getting our learning festivals set up, and so much more!

We’re also getting excited about training for the ultra marathon of biking 3000+ miles. We’re hoping to incorporate long distance biking into our fundraising efforts, and we’re making plans to do long training bikes and maybe even participate in the Midnight Marathon! That’s when thousands of bikers bike the route of the Boston Marathon the evening before the race. Personally, I’ve been trying to do more indoor biking to 1) work on getting faster and 2) get myself used to being bored while on a bike!

We’re also kicking off our crowdfunding campaign for the upcoming year! We would love to have your support, whether that be through donating or spreading the word about Spokes! The link to donate to Spokes is here. Additionally, before donating, you can check to see whether your employer will match your charitable donations at this link. Every donation helps us achieve our goal of bringing our learning festivals to students across the US! Over the next few months, we’ll be holding some crowdfunding mini challenges, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
We’ll be posting blogs here as we get ready for the trip, but you can also keep track of us through our social media (Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, oh my…)!
That’s about it for our Spokes 2024 Intro Post! I hope everyone reading this is doing well, and we’re so excited and grateful to know that people read these blogs and are supporting us from coast to coast.

Spokes2023 team stayed with me here in Berea KY last year. 6/17/23. Your crew is welcome to camp on the property and use kitchen and bath. I’m a Warmshowers host (who may or may not) be listed as available. If you come this way, contact me at maya02suzanne@gmail.com and I’ll put you up! Maya Todd
I hope that you return to Kansas City and have aSTEAM Village as a stop. We are celebrating our 10th Anniversary this year!
I missed you all last year in Carson City. If you are staying here this year, the cottage and yard will be available for you! Joan
Let us know if you'd like to come through Benicia again this year. And if so what time of year you might be here, so that we can make sure to be even better prepared for this year's team. Particularly for the 10th year anniversary! This is worthy of celebration.