Sunday, July 23, 2023
Dead Horse Point State Park, UT -> Green River, UT
63 miles. 1,597 ft elevation gain.
today we spent 8 hours at Arby’s.
let me rewind. we’re currently in Utah, where it has been hitting over 100 degrees F every day. and we’re also primarily camping out here, so we have to find other forms of indoor shelter to avoid the heat, hence why end up spending hours in fast food restaurants. yesterday, it was McDonald’s, and the day before, it was Wendy’s.
today, Andrew and i left for the ride a little after 8am, after helping to pack up camp. luckily, it was mainly downhill today, and we got a nice tailwind for the last 15 miles. we ended up averaging close to 20mph, and joined Duha and Vin at Arby’s a little after 11am.

and we proceeded to bum around at Arby’s until 7pm!

what did we do?
ate (both our own food and Arby’s)
called friends and family
started a trucking company called Duha’s truckies (consists of one van and seven bikes) to get free wifi
wrote blogs
watched shows
scrolled on social media
charged all our devices
refilled our water many times
vin got a free refill soda
the highlight: we played card games! the games we played included BS, kings and peasants, freecell, durak, and slap. please give us more card game recommendations because we are running out of ideas.
when it was finally cooler again, around 7:30pm, we headed over to the campsite where Duha cooked a delicious dinner of savory oatmeal, sausages, and beans, before we got ready for bed.

where will we bum around tomorrow?