Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Linden, VA -> Shenandoah National Park, VA.
64.12 miles & 5057-7849 ft elevation gain (depending on if you’re a crazy person person or not. Read on your find out who they are!).
Hi, it’s Joy! Today, our 6am wake up call was greeted by neighbor-fresh eggs from Jen and Tim 🥹💕 And then we took off! We biked past green pastures:

Then up and down some hills. Then past some horses. Made friends with the horses.

And up and down some more hills. Then Kat, our driver for the day, met us in town with glorious food.

And then Lucy and I took a nap. Meanwhile, Vin and Andrew (said crazy people) trekked onwards to attack the 10 mile-long 10% grade hill into Shenandoah National Park…which Kat drove us up after our nap :P
We proceeded to bike straight uphill for another two hours :)

After Lucy and I passed this sign, we had a nice downhill…then more uphills. And then more hills. And then we arrived at the lodge. So cute!!!!

It’s already wild to me how much our bodies have accomplished and how far we’ve gone already :) love my team and love everyone who’s been part of this!