July 30, 2022
Moab to Green River State Park
52 miles and 1755 ft elevation gain
Today was not too interesting of a day. We biked out of Moab, on a pretty nice bike path, followed by one of the worst roads we’ve biked on. I’ve had Subway sandwiches that were wider than the shoulder that we were biking on. While we were struggling to balance our bikes on the puny shoulder, dozens of trucks, RVs, and cars were passing us every minute. Biking here was pretty stressful so we called Robert to shuttle us to the end of the road. The rest of the day was smooth sailing, so much so that I don’t remember much of it, but that also might be because I’m writing this blog a week late (Sorry for the delay)!
The Spokes Posing, Power Rangers Style (White, Blue, Red, Yellow)
Fixing A Bike