By: An Jimenez
Well, good news: I can walk again.
Better news: I decided to rejoin the team here in Denver and finish out the trip strong.
Best news: One month away had nothing on the bonds of the team.
As expected, being at home was wonderful - spending much-needed time with family and pals, relearning old favorites on the piano, baking large amounts of banana bread, doing pilgrimages to Costco (often), petting my dog (not often enough), and experiencing a one-fifth-life-crisis that resulted in switching my major to computer science. Oh yes, and recovering.
For the first week after the sprain, my movement was limited to hobbles around the house to eat, shower, pet the dog, etc. as needed (.5 mph). Movement during the second week was the same hobbling motion but in a walking boot (2 mph). By the third week, I was able to maneuver without crutches nor a boot, and I felt *powerful* (4 mph). And here we are in my fourth week of recovery where I am able to walk normally and even cycle for short periods of time (15 mph on flats).
While home was comfortable, I am ready and excited to get back into the swing of things for the latter half of this adventure. I’ll have to take things slow, of course, but just maybe by the end of the trip, my legs will be almost as ripped as the rest of my teammates’ (and maybe I’ll even hit a century ride!).
For the more current news: today we had a full rest day in Denver, CO, and the team split up to do different things in the area. Kate and Bethany left early in the morning to hike up Green Mountain and explore Boulder (as if biking across the country isn’t enough physical exertion), Alex, Matt, and Delia hung around our host Hal’s home, and Annie, Lisa, and I trekked to downtown Denver to visit the botanical garden, the Capitol, and walk down 16th Street.
Colorado, as one can imagine, is stunning. I think almost everyone on the team including myself would love to live here one day.